Media Kit
Our Media Kit contains everything you need to amplify your CacheFly experience including grab-and-go files, product screenshots, leadership photos, and more. These resources are designed to streamline your utilization of our brand and assets, from logos to content.
File Downloads
For any usage beyond these assets, reach out to us. at
For press inquiries, please contact Melissa Fisher at
CacheFly in the News
Evaluating site traffic versus content security a must for businesses
An analysis of different websites' security strategies demonstrates the importance of balancing security with latency issues during site traffic spikes.
Android Wear makes wearable technology a reality for content providers
Google's announcement of Android Wear, a programming library aimed at wearable technology, brings smartwatches and Google Glass closer to the mainstream.
Bank branches disappear as online money tree grows
With the rise of online and mobile banking, bank branches are closing as customers demand immediate transactions rather than long teller lines.