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Maximizing Digital Efficiency: The Power of a CDN in Boosting Website Performance

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CacheFly Team

Date Posted:

August 17, 2023

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Key takeaways:

  • A fast and efficient website leads to a better user experience, increased engagement, and reduced visitor drop-off. It also ranks higher in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic and boosting conversion rates.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play a pivotal role in optimizing digital information and services. They enhance website speed and performance, leading to increased revenue and customer loyalty.
  • Website performance directly impacts user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion rates. A fast-loading website retains visitors, ensures higher visibility on search engines, and increases the likelihood of users taking desired actions.
  • The primary metrics to assess a website’s performance are latency (response time), bandwidth (capacity to handle data), and throughput (volume of data transferred over time).
  • The interrelationship between latency, bandwidth, and throughput is complex. To achieve optimal website performance, it’s essential to understand and address the intricacies of how these metrics interact.

Improving website speed and performance is a challenge for every organization, whether you operate in the e-commerce space or your site simply provides educational materials. When your company website functions fast and efficiently, it leads to a better user experience, increased engagement, and reduced visitor drop-off. Faster websites rank higher in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic and boosting conversion rates. Here’s how a content delivery network (CDN) optimizes your digital information and services to generate more revenue and build customer loyalty. 

The Significance of Website Performance Metrics

Website performance matters because it directly impacts user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion rates. A fast-loading website retains visitors, ensures higher visibility on search engines, and increases the likelihood of users taking desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up. Additionally, optimal performance reflects positively on a brand, indicating professionalism and commitment to user satisfaction.

For example, a survey of the top 100 websites globally shows that in 2023, the average page load time on desktop is 2.5 seconds and 8.6 seconds on mobile. Top browsers like Google aim for load times of less than 0.5 seconds. Almost one-fourth of online shoppers said they never returned to slow e-commerce sites. Other research shows 90% of shoppers will abandon a site if it doesn’t load fast enough, according to a survey of 1,100 U.S.-based consumers.

Key Website Performance Metrics

The key metrics used to assess website speed and performance and provide insight into its efficiency and speed are latency, network bandwidth, and throughput. 


This is the amount of time users must wait between clicking on a link and the website showing the content they want. It’s the total time taken for data to move from the device to the website’s server and back, including the time the server spends processing the request. Lower latency means quicker interactions and a more responsive website.


This refers to the website’s overall capacity to handle user requests, deliver internet content, and manage backend processes. It’s characterized by the amount of data a network server can transfer at any given time. A higher bandwidth means the website can handle more data simultaneously, leading to faster load times, especially when many users are accessing the site. 


Throughput measures the volume of data transferred between the server and users over a set period. It provides the actual data transfer rate and helps identify if the available bandwidth is being utilized efficiently.

Optimizing Latency, Bandwidth, and Throughput

The relationship between latency, bandwidth, and throughput is complex. To optimize them effectively, you must consider how the three interrelate. For instance, a high network bandwidth with significant latency can still reduce throughput, as data delays offset the benefits of a wider “data highway.” On the other hand, with insufficient bandwidth, the faster data initiation that comes from low latency can still result in data congestion. Ideally, you should optimize them both to achieve the results you want. 

  1. Strategies for Improving Bandwidth

Just as a wider road can handle more traffic, higher bandwidth can accommodate more data transfer simultaneously. This means faster load times, smoother video streaming, and an overall better user experience, especially during peak traffic times. Key considerations for maximizing website bandwidth include:

  • Server Configurations: The network server’s hardware and software configurations play a crucial role in determining its data handling capacity. Ensuring that the server is equipped with adequate resources (like RAM and CPU) and is optimized for performance can significantly boost bandwidth.
  • Load Balancers: Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, preventing any single server from getting overwhelmed. This distribution ensures that each user gets a responsive experience, even during traffic spikes, effectively maximizing the use of available bandwidth.
  • Location of Origin Servers: The physical location of a website’s primary servers can impact data transfer speeds. By strategically placing these origin servers closer to the majority of users or using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with multiple global locations such as Cachefly’s network, data travel distances are reduced, leading to faster load times and better bandwidth utilization. Combined with Cachefly’s Internet Peering, this helps you avoid wasting valuable time using systems that are down or out of bandwidth. 

Optimize your bandwidth by:

  • Increasing Cache Expiry Timeouts: By extending the time data (like website images or scripts) is stored in a user’s browser (cache), you reduce the need for repeated data transfers. This effectively frees up bandwidth for other essential tasks.
  • Using Compression: Compressing data before sending it means transmitting fewer bytes, leading to faster transfers and less bandwidth usage. Tools like gzip can compress web content, making it lighter and quicker to deliver.
  • Adjusting Image and Video Sizes: Instead of sending large media files, use technologies that automatically adjust the size and quality in real time, based on the user’s device and connection. This ensures users get the best quality without unnecessary data usage.
  • Using Pre-Optimization Resources: Tools like Webpack can bundle and optimize website resources, making them quicker to load. However, it’s essential to consider the implications of different HTTP protocols. For instance, while bundling resources might be great for HTTP/1.1, it might not be as effective for newer protocols like HTTP/2 or HTTP/3.
  • Switching to Low-Contended Network Links: Always route traffic to the least congested network links. The fewer users on a link, the more bandwidth available for your data. 
  • Network Protocol Optimization: While adhering to standard protocols ensures compatibility, there’s room for fine-tuning. Adopting a specialized implementation, such as ZetaTCP, can auto-adjust network protocols to guarantee minimal latency.
  • Prioritizing Dynamic Content: By diverting requests for predictable, static internet content away from origin servers, more bandwidth is freed up for dynamic content creation. This reduction in requests and increased bandwidth ensures faster response times. For added security measures, consider how Origin Shield can enhance your setup.
  • Leveraging Advanced Technologies: Ensure you utilize the latest and swiftest versions of foundational web technologies. This not only guarantees compatibility but also optimizes performance.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can make the most of their available bandwidth, leading to a more efficient and user-friendly digital presence.

2. Tips for Reducing Latency

Reducing latency also depends heavily on the principle of “less is better.” A quick and responsive website enhances user experience, making interactions smooth and instantaneous. High latency can lead to user frustration, causing them to abandon tasks or even the website altogether. Steps to ensure low latency include:

  • Bringing Servers and Content Closer to Users: Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can help store copies of your website’s content in multiple locations worldwide. This ensures that users access data from the nearest server, reducing the travel time for data.
  • Maintaining a Well-connected Network with Multiple Paths: Ensuring that the network has multiple routes for data transfer can prevent bottlenecks and ensure consistently low latency. If one path faces issues, the data can be rerouted through another, maintaining speed.
  • Optimizing Network Protocols: Using modern protocols like HTTP/3 or optimizing existing ones can reduce the steps required to establish a connection, leading to quicker data transfers.
  • Reducing the Load on Origin Servers: Offloading tasks, like using edge servers to handle user requests or implementing caching strategies, can reduce the burden on the primary server. This ensures that it can process requests faster, further reducing latency.

By focusing on these strategies, your organization can significantly reduce latency, ensuring that users get a swift and seamless online experience.

Bandwidth vs. Latency: Which to Optimize First?

Ideally, you should aim to optimize all aspects of your website simultaneously, but realistically it depends on the type of site and your particular needs. Increasing bandwidth allows more data to flow. It’s especially beneficial for activities that require transferring large amounts of data, like streaming high-definition videos or downloading large files. 

However, research shows bandwidth optimization can be subject to diminishing returns, and a point exists beyond which users might not notice significant improvements in website speed and performance. For example, while the difference between 5 Mbps and 20 Mbps is noticeable, the perceptible difference between 200 Mbps and 215 Mbps might be negligible for most tasks.

Meanwhile, reducing latency focuses on speeding up the response time, ensuring data starts its journey faster. It’s crucial for activities that require real-time responses, like online gaming or video conferencing. In addition, decreasing latency consistently improves user experience. Even minor reductions can lead to smoother interactions, especially in applications requiring real-time feedback. 

For more information about our custom-designed CDN solutions, please contact us to arrange a demo.

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