8 Reasons to Use CacheFly CDN for Podcasts

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CacheFly Team

Date Posted:

August 21, 2015

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If you’re running a successful podcast, your listener base may be massively growing…but the problem is, so is your bandwidth consumption. Web servers were never built to handle global delivery and traffic bursts for large web files—especially when a typical episode could range anywhere from 20-100MB.  Each download adds strain to your servers and causes delivery performance to be considerably slower.
Listeners won’t wait for your podcast to download. They expect fast delivery. Relying on web hosting alone, is simply not enough to sustain and grow your listener base. You must be able to accommodate surges in traffic while ensuring a fast and seamless listener experience.  That’s why you need a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to offload traffic from your servers, and deliver your podcast files faster—by delivering them as close to your audience as possible.
However, not all CDNs are built the same. CacheFly is different. Here are 8 reasons why podcasters trust CacheFly.

1. Highest Global Throughput Performance

Throughput (or Time to Last Byte) is the time it takes to deliver a file—from the initial response—to full download. CacheFly’s network is the only network built for throughput. Web monitoring companies such as CloudHarmony and Cedexis prove that CacheFly’s global throughput performance trumps all other CDNs in large file delivery. With CacheFly, your listeners will be able to download your podcast files faster—no matter where they reside.

CacheFly eclipses all major CDNs in overall throughput performance of a 100KB file in the U.S.

2.) Infinite Scalability

A popular podcast can expect bursts for a couple of days—or even weeks. CacheFly’s infinitely scalable bandwidth delivers seamlessly when spikes in traffic occur.

3.) 100% Availability SLA.

CacheFly ensures the highest availability and guarantees continuous network uptime, 100%.  No scheduled or emergency maintenance.

4.) Fully Interoperable.

CacheFly supports all major mediate types and video players, such as: H.264, Adobe Flash (SWF and FLV), Windows media and all other formats, and also integrates with feed management and reporting solutions. In addition, CacheFly has full certification with use on iTunes.

5.) Gzip Compression.

The larger your podcast files, the longer it will take to deliver. CacheFly provides gzip compression to automatically compress files to further reduce transfer time. Gzip compression not only optimizes files for faster delivery, but also lowers your bandwidth costs by using less data to deliver your files to an end user.

6.) Security Platform.

Rest assured, your information is secure. CacheFly offers Referrer Blocking rules to prevent simple hotlinking. This allows you to deny HTTP requests, if the listener (requestor) did not come from another web page in the same domain, or domain of their choosing. CacheFly offers secure delivery via a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. This type of encryption allows secure web transmissions of your content.

7.) Real-Time Reporting.

CacheFly’s robust, real-time reporting platform provides you aggregate and drill-down insights into where—and how fast—podcasts and videos are being delivered.

8.) Easy Implementation and Instant Activation.

With CacheFly, you can get up and running fast. Simply setup your account online by selecting your username and upload method (origin pull or reverse proxy).

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